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Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.


Repository: collection of files (blobs) and directories (trees) managed by git Commit: snapshot of the entire repository and its metadata Head: pointer to the current commit
Branch: timeline or collection of consecutive commits
Remote: remote shared repository in which changes as synced Working Tree: current version of the repository on disk
Index (Staging Area): collection of changes not yet committed Stash: collection of pseudo-commits not belonging to a specific branch


Managing Configs

There are three git config sources/scopes:

  1. system: defined in git's installation folder and managed with --system
  2. global: defined in $HOME/.gitconfig or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config and managed with --global
  3. local: defined in .git/config and managed with --local

The applied config in each repository is the combination of all three scopes in order.

git config [--<scope>] <key> <value>: set git config key-value pair
git config [--<scope>] --unset <key>: unset git config key-value pair
git config [--<scope>] --list: list git config key-value pairs

Tracking Files & Making Changes

git status: shows the status of changes as untracked, modified, or staged

git add <files>: add files contents to the staging area
git add -u|--update <files>: stage changes but ignore untracked files
git add -p|--patch <files>: interactively stage chunks of files

git restore .: discard uncommitted changes
git restore <file>: discard uncommitted changes to file
git restore --staged: discard changes made to a file
git restore --staged --worktree: unstage and discard changes made to a file
git restore -p|--patch: interactively unstage chunks of files

git commit: save the snapshot to the project history
git commit -m|--message "message": commit and provide a message
git commit -a|--all: automatically notice any modified (but not new) files and commit
git commit -v|--verbose: show unified diff between the HEAD commit and what would be committed
git commit --amend: modify latest commit with the new changes
git commit --no-verify: commit without executing hooks
git commit --fixup <commit>: mark commit as correction to another
git commit -s|--signoff: Add a Signed-off-by trailer by the committer at the end of the commit log message

Managing Stashes

git stash [push] [-m|--message]: add all changes to the stash (and provide message)
git stash [push] -k|--keep-index: create a stash but leave files as they are
git stash list list all stashes
git stash show [<stash>]: show changes in the stash
git stash pop: restore last stash
git stash drop [<stash>]: remove a stash from the list
git stash clear: remove all stashes

Managing Remotes

git remote: list remotes
git remote -v|--verbose: list remotes names and URLs
git remote show <remote>: inspect the remote

git remote add <remote> <url | path>: add a remote
git remote remove <remote>: remove the specified remote
git remote rename <old_name> <new_name>: rename a remote
git branch -u|--set-upstream-to=<remote>/<remote branch>: set up correspondence between local and remote branch

git push: send objects to default remote on current branch
git push <remote> <branch>: send objects to remote
git push <remote> <local branch>:<remote branch>: send objects to remote, and update remote reference

git push -f|--force: overwrite remote with local version
git push --force-with-lease: overwrite remote with local version if remote has not been modified
git push --force-with-lease --force-if--includes: will verify if updates from the remote that may have been implicitly updated in the background are integrated locally before allowing a forced update

git fetch [<remote>]: retrieve objects/references from a remote
git pull: incorporate remote changes by merging, same as git fetch; git merge
git pull --rebase: incorporate remote changes by rebasing
git pull --ff: fast-forward (only update branch tip) remote changes, merge if not possible
git pull --ff-only: fast-forward (only update branch tip) remote changes, error if not possible

git fetch|pull -p|--prune: remove any remote-tracking references that no longer exist on the remote
git fetch|pull -t|--tags: retrieve all tags from the remote

git clone <url> [<folder_name>]: download repository and repo history from remote
git clone --shallow: clone only repo files, not history of commits
git clone --depth <depth>: clone only last <depth> commits

Note: for a in depth explanation of --force-if-includes see this

Viewing Project History

git log [<rev>]: show history of changes
git log -p|--patch: show history of changes and complete differences
git log --stat --summary: show overview of the change
git log --follow <file>: list version history fo file, including renames
git log --all --graph --decorate: visualizes history as a DAG
git log --oneline: compact log

git log -S<string>: Look for diffs that change the number of occurrences of the specified <string>
git log -G<regex>: Look for diffs whose patch text contains added/removed lines that match <regex>

git log -L <start>,<end>:<file>: Trace the evolution of the line range given by <start>,<end>, within the <file>
git log -L /<regex>/:<file>: Trace the evolution of the line range given by the function name regex <regex>, within the <file>

git shortlog: list commits by author
git reflog [<rev>]: show record of when the tips of branches and other references were updated in the local repository

git show <commit>: show commit metadata and content
git show --stat <commit>: show number of changes in commit

git blame <file>: show who last edited which line
git blame -L <start>,<end> -- <file>: Annotate only the line range given by <start>,<end>, within the <file>
git blame -L /<regex>/ -- <file>: Annotate only the range given by the function name regex <regex>, within the <file>
git blame -w: Ignore whitespace when comparing the parent’s version and the child’s to find where the lines came from
git blame -M: Detect moved or copied lines within a file.
git blame -M -C [-C -C]: Detect moved or copied lines within a file (-M), from all modified files in the same commit (-C), in the commit that created the file (-C -C), in all commits (-C -C -C)

git diff <filename>: show difference since the last commit
git diff <commit> <filename>: show differences in a file since a particular snapshot
git diff <reference_1> <reference_2> <filename>: show differences in a file between two snapshots
git diff --staged: show what is about to be committed
git diff <first-branch>...<second-branch>: show content diff between two branches
git diff -w|--ignore-all-space: show diff ignoring whitespace differences
git diff --word-diff: show diff word-by-word instead of line-wise

git bisect start: start binary search through commit history, to find the first "bad" commit
git bisect good: mark current commit as "good"
git bisect bad: mark current commit as "bad"
git bisect reset: conclude search and restore HEAD

Managing Tags

Git supports two types of tags: lightweight and annotated.

A lightweight tag is very much like a branch that doesn't change: it's just a pointer to a specific commit.

Annotated tags, however, are stored as full objects in the Git database.
They're checksummed; contain the tagger name, email, and date; have a tagging message; and can be signed.
It's generally recommended creating annotated tags so it's possible to have all this information.

git tag: list existing tags
git tag -l|--list <pattern>: list existing tags matching a wildcard or pattern

git tag <tag> [<commit_hash>]: create a lightweight tag on the commit
git tag -a|--annotate <tag> [<commit_hash> -m <message>]: create am annotated tag on the commit
git tag -f|--force <tag> [<commit_hash>]: update a tag if it exists
git tag -s|--sign <tag> [<commit_hash>]: sign a tag

git push <remote> <tagname>: push a tag to the remote
git push <remote> --tags: push commits and their tags (both types) to the remote

git tag -d|--delete <tagname>: delete a tag
git push <remote> :refs/tags<tagname>:: remove a tag from the remote
git push <remote> --delete <tagname>: remove a tag from the remote

git switch <tag>: checkout a tag - WARNING: will go into detached HEAD

Branching And Merging


git branch: shows branches
git branch -vv: show branch + last commit + remote status
git branch --merged [--remote]: show branches (remote) that have been merged into current one (needs same history, merge squash/rebase break history) git branch: show list of all existing branches (* indicates current)
git branch <branch-name>: create new branch
git branch -d|--delete <branch-name>: delete specified branch
git branch -m|--move <old_name> <new_name>: rename a branch without affecting the branch's history
git switch -c <branch-name>: create a branch and switches to
git switch <branch-name>: change current branch (update HEAD) and update working directory

git merge <branch-name>: merges into current branch
git merge --continue: continue previous merge after solving a merge conflict
git rebase <branch>: rebase current branch commits onto another branch
git rebase --onto <new-base> <old-base>: rebase a slice of commits from <old-base> onto <new-base>

git cherry-pick <commit>: bring in a commit from another branch
git cherry-pick <commit>..<commit>: bring in a range of commits from another branch (first excluded)
git cherry-pick <commit>^..<commit>: bring in a range of commits from another branch (first included)


A git repository can support multiple working trees, allowing to check out more than one branch at a time.

Additional worktrees are called "linked worktrees" as opposed to the "main worktree" prepared by git init or git clone.
A repository has one main worktree (if it’s not a bare repository) and zero or more linked worktrees.

git worktree list: show worktrees
git worktree add <path> <commit>: create worktree at <path> and checkout <commit>
git worktree add -b <branch> <path> <commit>: create worktree and branch at <path>
git worktree remove <worktree>: remove a worktree

Rewriting History

git commit --amend: replace last commit by creating a new one (can add files or rewrite commit message)
git commit --amend -m "amended message": replace last commit by creating a new one (can add files or rewrite commit message)
git commit --amend --no-edit: replace last commit by creating a new one (can add files or rewrite commit message)

git reset <commit>: revert to specific commit but keep changes
git reset --soft <commit>: revert to specific commit but keep changes and staged files
git reset --hard <commit>: revert to specific commit and discard changes
git reset <commit> <file>: revert <file> to specific commit

git clean: remove untracked files form the working tree
git clean -d: remove untracked files recursively
git clean --interactive: remove untracked files interactively

git restore --source <commit> <file>: revert file to commit version
git restore <deleted-file>: recover deleted file if previously committed

git rebase -i|--interactive: modify (reword, edit, drop, squash, merge, ...) current branch commits
git rebase -i|--interactive HEAD~<n>: modify (reword, edit, drop, squash, merge, ...) n commits
git rebase -i|--interactive <commit>: modify (reword, edit, drop, squash, merge, ...) from commit to latest
git rebase --autostash: automatically create a temporary stash entry before rebasing
git rebase --autosquash: automatically apply "squash!" or "fixup!" or "amend!" commits

Git Revisions

Specifying Revisions

A revision parameter <rev> can take one of these forms:

  • <sha>: full or short sha of the object.
  • <refname>: a named object reference. One of:
    • refs/<refname>
    • refs/tags/<refname>
    • refs/heads/<refname>
    • refs/remotes/<refname>
    • refs/remotes/<refname>
    • HEAD or *_HEAD
  • [<refname>]@{<date>}: a revision at a specific point in time.
  • [<refname>]@{n}: nth prior value of a <refname>.
  • @{-n}: <n>th branch/commit checked out before the current one.
  • <rev>^: first parent of <rev>.
  • <rev>~[<n>]: nth parent of <rev>

Specifying Ranges

A revision range can take one of these forms:

  • <rev>: Include commits that are reachable from <rev> (<rev> and its ancestors).
  • ^<rev>: Exclude commits that are reachable from <rev> (<rev> and its ancestors).
  • <rev1>..<rev2>: Include commits that are reachable from <rev2> but exclude those that are reachable from <rev1>.
  • <rev1>...<rev2>: Include commits that are reachable from either or but exclude those that are reachable from both. <rev>^@: A suffix ^ followed by @ is the same as listing all parents of <rev> (meaning, include anything reachable from its parents, but not the commit itself). <rev>^!: A suffix ^ followed by ! is the same as giving commit <rev> and all its parents prefixed with ^ to exclude them (and their ancestors). <rev>^-<n>: Equivalent to <rev>^<n>..<rev>, with <n> = 1 if not given.