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PowerShell Scripting

Cmdlets are formed by a verb-noun pair. Cmdlets are case-insensitive.

It's all .NET A PS string is in fact a .NET System.String All .NET methods and properties are thus available

Note that .NET functions MUST be called with parentheses while PS functions CANNOT be called with parentheses. If you do call a cmdlet/PS function with parentheses, it is the same as passing a single parameter list.

Screen Output

Write-Host "message"

User Input

# Reading a value from input:
$variable = Read-Host "prompt"


# Declaration
[type]$var = value
$var = value -as [type]

[int]$a = 5
$b = 6 -as [double]  # ?

# Here-string (multiline string)
$a + $b = ($a + $b)

Literal Here-string

# Swapping
$a, $b = $b, $a

# Interpolation
Write-Host "text $variable"  # single quotes will not interpolate
Write-Host (<expression>)

Built-in Variables

$True, $False  # boolean
$null  # empty value
$?  # last program return value
$LastExitCode  # Exit code of last run Windows-based program
$$  # The last token in the last line received by the session
$^  # The first token
$PID  # Script's PID
$PSScriptRoot  # Full path of current script directory
$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path  # Full path of current script
$Pwd  # Full path of current directory
$PSBoundParameters  # Bound arguments in a function, script or code block
$Args # Unbound arguments

. .\otherScriptName.ps1  # Inline another file (dot operator)

Lists & Dictionaries

$List = @(5, "ice", 3.14, $True)  # Explicit syntax
$List = 2, "ice", 3.14, $True  # Implicit syntax
$List = (1..10)  # Inclusive range
$List = @()  # Empty List

$String = $List -join 'separator'
$List = $String -split 'separator'

# List comprehensions
$List = sequence | Where-Object {$_ command}  # $_ is current object
$Dict = @{"a" = "apple"; "b" = "ball"}  # Dict definition
$Dict["a"] = "acorn"  # Item update

# Loop through keys
foreach ($k in $Dict.keys) {
    # Code here

Flow Control

if (condition) {
    # Code here
} elseif (condition) {
    # Code here
} else {
    # Code here


Switch has the following parameters:

  • Wildcard: Indicates that the condition is a wildcard string. If the match clause is not a string, the parameter is ignored. The comparison is case-insensitive.
  • Exact: Indicates that the match clause, if it is a string, must match exactly. If the match clause is not a string, this parameter is ignored. The comparison is case-insensitive.
  • CaseSensitive: Performs a case-sensitive match. If the match clause is not a string, this parameter is ignored.
  • File: Takes input from a file rather than a value statement. If multiple File parameters are included, only the last one is used. Each line of the file is read and evaluated by the Switch statement. The comparison is case-insensitive.
  • Regex: Performs regular expression matching of the value to the condition. If the match clause is not a string, this parameter is ignored. The comparison is case-insensitive. The $matches automatic variable is available for use within the matching statement block.
switch(variable) {
    20                      { "Exactly 20"; break }
    { $_ -eq 42 }           { "The answer equals 42"; break }
    { $_ -like 's*' }       { "Case insensitive"; break }
    { $_ -clike 's*'}       { "clike, ceq, cne for case sensitive"; break }
    { $_ -notmatch '^.*$'}  { "Regex matching. cnotmatch, cnotlike, ..."; break }
    { $list -contains 'x'}  { "if a list contains an item"; break }
    default                 { "Others" }

# syntax
switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] (<value>)
    "string"|number|variable|{ expression } { statement_list }
    default { statement_list }

# or

switch [-regex|-wildcard|-exact][-casesensitive] -file filename
    "string"|number|variable|{ expression } { statement_list }
    default { statement_list }


# The classic for
for(setup; condition; iterator) {
    # Code here

range | % { command }

foreach (item in iterable) {
    # Code Here

while (condition) {
    # Code here

do {
    # Code here
} until (condition)

do {
    # Code here
} while (condition)


# Conditionals
$a -eq $b  # is equal to
$a -ne $b  # in not equal to
$a -gt $b  # greater than
$a -ge $b  # greater than or equal to
$a -lt $b  # less than
$a -le $b  # less than or equal to

# Logical
$true -And $False
$True -Or $False
-Not $True

Exception Handling

try {} catch {} finally {}
try {} catch [System.NullReferenceException] {
    echo $_.Exception | Format-List -Force


function func() {}

# function with named parameters
function func ([type]$param=default_value, ...) { }
function func {
    param([type]$param=default_value, ...)

    # statements

# function call
func argument  
func -param value

# switch parameters
function func ([switch]$param, ...) { }

func  # param is $false
func -param  # param is $true

If the function defines a Begin, Process or End block, all the code must reside inside those blocks. No code will be recognized outside the blocks if any of the blocks are defined.

If the function has a Process keyword, each object in $input is removed from $input and assigned to $_.

function [<scope:>]<name> [([type]$parameter1[,[type]$parameter2])]
  param([type]$parameter1 [,[type]$parameter2])  # other way to specify named parameters
  dynamicparam {<statement list>}

  # processing pipelines
  begin {<statement list>}  # runned once, at start of pipeline
  process {<statement list>}  # runned for each item in the pipeline
  end {<statement list>}  # runned once, at end of pipeline

Optionally, it's possible to provide a brief help string that describes the default value of the parameter, by adding the PSDefaultValue attribute to the description of the parameter, and specifying the Help property of PSDefaultValue.

function Func {
  param (
      [PSDefaultValue(Help = defValue)]
      $Arg = 100

Script Arguments

Parsing Script Arguments

$args  # array of passed arguments
$args[$index]  # access to the arguments
$args.count  # number of arguments

Script Named Arguments

In scripts.ps1:

param($param1, $param2, ...)  # basic usage
param($param1, $param2=defvalue, ...)  # with default values
param([Type] $param1, $param2, ...)  # specify a type
param([Parameter(Mandatory)]$param1, $param2, ...)  # setting a parameter as necessary

param([switch]$flag=$false, ...)  # custom flags

In PowerShell:

.\script.ps1 arg1 arg2  # order of arguments will determine which data goes in which parameter

.\script.ps1 -param2 arg2 -param1 arg1  # custom order


A filter is a type of function that runs on each object in the pipeline. A filter resembles a function with all its statements in a Process block.

filter [<scope:>]<name> {<statement list>}

PowerShell Comment-based Help

The syntax for comment-based help is as follows:

# .<help keyword>
# <help content>


.<help keyword>
<help content>

Comment-based help is written as a series of comments. You can type a comment symbol # before each line of comments, or you can use the <# and #> symbols to create a comment block. All the lines within the comment block are interpreted as comments.

All of the lines in a comment-based help topic must be contiguous. If a comment-based help topic follows a comment that is not part of the help topic, there must be at least one blank line between the last non-help comment line and the beginning of the comment-based help.

Keywords define each section of comment-based help. Each comment-based help keyword is preceded by a dot .. The keywords can appear in any order. The keyword names are not case-sensitive.


A brief description of the function or script. This keyword can be used only once in each topic.


A detailed description of the function or script. This keyword can be used only once in each topic.


The description of a parameter. Add a .PARAMETER keyword for each parameter in the function or script syntax.

Type the parameter name on the same line as the .PARAMETER keyword. Type the parameter description on the lines following the .PARAMETER keyword. Windows PowerShell interprets all text between the .PARAMETER line and the next keyword or the end of the comment block as part of the parameter description. The description can include paragraph breaks.

.PARAMETER  <Parameter-Name>

The Parameter keywords can appear in any order in the comment block, but the function or script syntax determines the order in which the parameters (and their descriptions) appear in help topic. To change the order, change the syntax.

You can also specify a parameter description by placing a comment in the function or script syntax immediately before the parameter variable name. For this to work, you must also have a comment block with at least one keyword.

If you use both a syntax comment and a .PARAMETER keyword, the description associated with the .PARAMETER keyword is used, and the syntax comment is ignored.

    Short description here
function Verb-Noun {
    param (
        # This is the same as .Parameter
    # Verb the Noun on the computer


A sample command that uses the function or script, optionally followed by sample output and a description. Repeat this keyword for each example.


The .NET types of objects that can be piped to the function or script. You can also include a description of the input objects.


The .NET type of the objects that the cmdlet returns. You can also include a description of the returned objects.


Additional information about the function or script.

The name of a related topic. The value appears on the line below the .LINK keyword and must be preceded by a comment symbol # or included in the comment block.

Repeat the .LINK keyword for each related topic.

This content appears in the Related Links section of the help topic.

The .Link keyword content can also include a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to an online version of the same help topic. The online version opens when you use the Online parameter of Get-Help. The URI must begin with "http" or "https".


The name of the technology or feature that the function or script uses, or to which it is related. The Component parameter of Get-Help uses this value to filter the search results returned by Get-Help.


The name of the user role for the help topic. The Role parameter of Get-Help uses this value to filter the search results returned by Get-Help.


The keywords that describe the intended use of the function. The Functionality parameter of Get-Help uses this value to filter the search results returned by Get-Help.


Redirects to the help topic for the specified command. You can redirect users to any help topic, including help topics for a function, script, cmdlet, or provider.



Specifies the help category of the item in .ForwardHelpTargetName. Valid values are Alias, Cmdlet, HelpFile, Function, Provider, General, FAQ, Glossary, ScriptCommand, ExternalScript, Filter, or All. Use this keyword to avoid conflicts when there are commands with the same name.



Specifies a session that contains the help topic. Enter a variable that contains a PSSession object. This keyword is used by the Export-PSSession cmdlet to find the help topics for the exported commands.

# .REMOTEHELPRUNSPACE <PSSession-variable>


Specifies an XML-based help file for the script or function.


The .ExternalHelp keyword is required when a function or script is documented in XML files. Without this keyword, Get-Help cannot find the XML-based help file for the function or script.

The .ExternalHelp keyword takes precedence over other comment-based help keywords. If .ExternalHelp is present, Get-Help does not display comment-based help, even if it cannot find a help topic that matches the value of the .ExternalHelp keyword.

If the function is exported by a module, set the value of the .ExternalHelp keyword to a filename without a path. Get-Help looks for the specified file name in a language-specific subdirectory of the module directory. There are no requirements for the name of the XML-based help file for a function, but a best practice is to use the following format:


If the function is not included in a module, include a path to the XML-based help file. If the value includes a path and the path contains UI-culture-specific subdirectories, Get-Help searches the subdirectories recursively for an XML file with the name of the script or function in accordance with the language fallback standards established for Windows, just as it does in a module directory.

For more information about the cmdlet help XML-based help file format, see How to Write Cmdlet Help in the MSDN library.

Project Oriented Programming


[class]::func()  # use function from a static class
[class]::attribute  # access to static class attribute