is a set of classes that expose data access services for .NET.
classes are found in System.Data.dll
, and are integrated with the XML classes found in System.Xml.dll
ADO.NET provider for SQLite
- Standard Security:
Server=<server_name>; Database=<database>; UID=<user>; Pwd=<password>;
Server=<server_name>; Database=<database>; User ID=<user>; Password=<password>;
Data Source=<server_name>; Initial Catalog=<database>; UID=<user>; Pwd=<password>;
- Specific Instance:
Server=<server_name>\<instance_name>; Database=<database>; User ID=<user>; Password=<password>;
- Trusted Connection (WinAuth):
Server=<server_name>; Database=<database>; Trusted_Connection=True;
Server=<server_name>; Database=<database>; Trusted_Connection=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
Note: Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) is a feature that works with SQL Server to allow the execution of multiple batches on a single connection.
- Basic:
Data Source: path\to\db.sqlite3; Version=3;
- In-Memory Database:
Data Source=:memory:; Version=3; New=True
- With Password:
Data Source: path\to\db.sqlite3; Version=3; Password=<password>
Connection to DB
C# |
| using System;
using System.Data.SqlClient; // ADO.NET Provider, installed through NuGet
namespace <namespace>
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Connection to SQL Server DBMS
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
connectionString.DataSource = "<server_name>";
connectionString.UserID = "<user>";
connectionString.Password = "<password>";
connectionString.InitialCatalog = "<database>";
// more compact
SqlConnectionStringBuilder connectionString = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder("Server=<server_name>;Database=<database>;UID=<user>;Pwd=<password>")
DB Interrogation
C# |
| using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection())
connection.ConnectionString = connectionString.ConnectionString;
connection.Open(); // start communication w/ sql server
// more compact
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {
C# |
| string sql = "<sql_instruction>";
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.Connection = connection; // SqlConnection
command.CommandText = "... @Parameter"; // or name of StoredProcedure
// add parameters to the SqlParameterCollection, WARNING: table names or columns cannot be parameters
command.Parameters.Add("@Parameter", SqlDbType.<DBType>, columnLength).Value = value;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parameter", value);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Parameter", (object) value ?? DBNull.Value); // if Parameter is nullable
// Create an instance of a SqlParameter object.
command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; // or StoredProcedure
int affectedRows = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); // execute the query and return the number of affected rows
C# |
| using (SqlDataReader cursor = command.ExecuteReader()) // object to get data from db
while (cursor.Read()) // get data till possible
// preferred methodology
cursor["<column_name>"].ToString(); // retrieve data form the column
cursor[<column_index>].ToString(); // retrieve data form the column
// check for null before retrieving the value
cursor.Get<SystemType>(index); // retrieve data form the n-th column