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Unit Testing

UnitTest Overloaded Methods Naming standards for unit tests


using System;
using Xunit;

namespace Project.Tests
    public class ClassTest
        public void TestMethod()
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);  // works on collections

            // Verifies that all items in the collection pass when executed against action
            Assert.All<T>(IEnumerable<T> collection, Action<T> action);

Test Setup & Teardown creates a new instance of the test class for every test that is run, so any code which is placed into the constructor of the test class will be run for every single test.
This makes the constructor a convenient place to put reusable context setup code.

For context cleanup, add the IDisposable interface to the test class, and put the cleanup code in the Dispose() method.

Mocking with Moq

var mockObj = new Mock<MockedType>();

mockObj.Setup(m => m.Method(It.IsAny<InputType>())).Returns(value);
mockObj.Object;  // get mock

// check that the invocation is forwarded to the mock, n times
mockObj.Verify(m => m.Method(It.IsAny<InputType>()), Times.Once());

// check that the invocation is forwarded to the mock with a specific input
mockObj.Verify(m => m.Method(input), Times.Once());